

Kitchen Extension with Playroom Space

A home is like one of the family. Living together is a relationship. When you move in it’s like a newborn. Then you get used to it. You grow together. You learn to love all its faults as well as the features that made you want to live there in the first place. Eventually familiarity sets in. You take each other for granted. You’ll always be there for the home; the home will always be there for you. 

Renovate to Reinvigorate

There are many reasons for choosing a house extension. Perhaps the family is bigger than you planned. Space is at a premium. More people work from home these days, maybe a home office is required. Or a room for a live-in child-minder – sorry, we mean grandparent. As well as the social incentive, there is the economic. A development adds value; both short term and long-term property appreciation. 

Then there is the aesthetic. Perhaps you just want it to look good. No, not good, amazing. Your very own wow factor at home. The talking point for neighbours. The centrepiece for home entertaining. The smile inside from having what you always wanted. Starting from a blank canvas, you can change your home to fit your plans. But if really imaginative, to fulfill your dreams. Ambition, budget permitting can be endless.

We Love a Challenge

At My London Extensions our favourite projects are those that bring us challenges. From conceptual beginnings to construction reality, we relish the opportunity to design and create dream homes and idyllic features. A mighty mezzanine master bedroom Steve McQueen may have envied. Or a sleek, sweeping, minimalist kitchen with a stylish island Crusoe would have killed for. Limiting budgets need not mean limiting dreams.

We rarely find our dream home. There is always something that needs changing, rearranging, even demolishing. Few buildings are perfect. So why leave home in search of your dream. You’re already almost there. Instead, stay put and dream big or even bigger. Perfect what you have and your eye-popping dream will come to you.

Contact us to see if we can help you fall in love with your home once again, or if you would like to see more, take a look at the featured kitchen extension project.